Up Top Acres, with five rooftop gardens in the D.C. area, is on a mission to bring gardening to the city. At 1015 Half Street in Southwest D.C., this garden creates 25k square feet of garden space in a dense urban area. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

Up Top Acres, with five rooftop gardens in the D.C. area, is on a mission to bring gardening to the city. At 1015 Half Street in Southwest D.C., this garden creates 25k square feet of garden space in a dense urban area. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

 Urban gardens that provide local grocers and businesses can lower carbon emissions reducing the need to import food from farther areas. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

Urban gardens that provide local grocers and businesses can lower carbon emissions reducing the need to import food from farther areas. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

 Emily Soderberg, Up Top Acres’ Assistant Farm and Events Manager, harvests food. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

Emily Soderberg, Up Top Acres’ Assistant Farm and Events Manager, harvests food. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

 Farm manager Nick Berini harvests squash. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

Farm manager Nick Berini harvests squash. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

 After harvesting, the food is packaged. Up Top Acres sells its produce to local consumers. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

After harvesting, the food is packaged. Up Top Acres sells its produce to local consumers. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

 Up Top Acres, with five rooftop gardens in the D.C. area, is on a mission to bring gardening to the city. At 1015 Half Street in Southwest D.C., this garden creates 25k square feet of garden space in a dense urban area. (David Fisher/DC Refined)
 Urban gardens that provide local grocers and businesses can lower carbon emissions reducing the need to import food from farther areas. (David Fisher/DC Refined)
 Emily Soderberg, Up Top Acres’ Assistant Farm and Events Manager, harvests food. (David Fisher/DC Refined)
 Farm manager Nick Berini harvests squash. (David Fisher/DC Refined)
 After harvesting, the food is packaged. Up Top Acres sells its produce to local consumers. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

Up Top Acres, with five rooftop gardens in the D.C. area, is on a mission to bring gardening to the city. At 1015 Half Street in Southwest D.C., this garden creates 25k square feet of garden space in a dense urban area. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

Urban gardens that provide local grocers and businesses can lower carbon emissions reducing the need to import food from farther areas. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

Emily Soderberg, Up Top Acres’ Assistant Farm and Events Manager, harvests food. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

Farm manager Nick Berini harvests squash. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

After harvesting, the food is packaged. Up Top Acres sells its produce to local consumers. (David Fisher/DC Refined)

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