Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang pauses during a rally at the Lincoln memorial. (David Fisher/For personal)

Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang pauses during a rally at the Lincoln memorial. (David Fisher/For personal)

 A supporter of Andrew Yang holds a sign. (David Fisher/For personal)

A supporter of Andrew Yang holds a sign. (David Fisher/For personal)

 The “MATH” sign was one of the slogans of the Yang campaign. (David Fisher/For personal)

The “MATH” sign was one of the slogans of the Yang campaign. (David Fisher/For personal)

 Andrew Yang speaks to the crowd at the Lincoln Memorial. (David Fisher/For personal)

Andrew Yang speaks to the crowd at the Lincoln Memorial. (David Fisher/For personal)

 Supporters of Yang hold signs behind the candidate. (David Fisher/For personal)

Supporters of Yang hold signs behind the candidate. (David Fisher/For personal)

 Andrew Yang greets supporters. (David Fisher/For personal)

Andrew Yang greets supporters. (David Fisher/For personal)

 Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang pauses during a rally at the Lincoln memorial. (David Fisher/For personal)
 A supporter of Andrew Yang holds a sign. (David Fisher/For personal)
 The “MATH” sign was one of the slogans of the Yang campaign. (David Fisher/For personal)
 Andrew Yang speaks to the crowd at the Lincoln Memorial. (David Fisher/For personal)
 Supporters of Yang hold signs behind the candidate. (David Fisher/For personal)
 Andrew Yang greets supporters. (David Fisher/For personal)

Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang pauses during a rally at the Lincoln memorial. (David Fisher/For personal)

A supporter of Andrew Yang holds a sign. (David Fisher/For personal)

The “MATH” sign was one of the slogans of the Yang campaign. (David Fisher/For personal)

Andrew Yang speaks to the crowd at the Lincoln Memorial. (David Fisher/For personal)

Supporters of Yang hold signs behind the candidate. (David Fisher/For personal)

Andrew Yang greets supporters. (David Fisher/For personal)

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